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About us?

FERRESTEEL DEL BAJÍO is a steel company that stands out from the competition by providing an excellent service that is adaptable to each of our clients' needs and specifications.  


The company belongs to a group with more than 25 years of experience in the steel industry, and was established in order to cover needs in the areas of construction, industrial, manufacturing, production, metal-manufacturing, automotive, aeronautics).

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Our mission

Market steel solutions , satisfying the customer with our service, delivery times, quality and wide range of products and alloys,


The main values of the company are recognized for being implemented at all times of the experience offered by FERRESTEEL DEL BAJÍO; strongly believing that honesty, respect, discipline and commitment fulfill our promise offered to the client. 

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Our products


We are backed with a complete guarantee and certificates in all the articles that we commercialize.

Our brands

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